
Fast math multiplication

Fast math multiplication
  1. How do you do mentally fast multiplication?
  2. What is fast multiplication?
  3. What is Japanese multiplication?
  4. How fast is 100% faster?
  5. Is 50% faster twice as fast?
  6. How do you calculate 200% fast?

How do you do mentally fast multiplication?

Here's the trick: Any time you square a two-digit number that ends in 5, the last digits of the answer will be 25 and the digits before that are given by multiplying the first digit of the number by the number that's one greater.

What is fast multiplication?

The Karatsuba algorithm is a fast multiplication algorithm. It was discovered by Anatoly Karatsuba in 1960 and published in 1962. It reduces the multiplication of two n-digit numbers to at most single-digit multiplications in general (and exactly when n is a power of 2).

What is Japanese multiplication?

The Japanese multiplication method is really just a visual way of representing those four steps. Each cluster of intersections corresponds to one of the four smaller products that go into multiplying two numbers (for instance, the left cluster, 3×1, is what gets you the 300 – or 3 hundreds).

How fast is 100% faster?

RE: 100% faster

100% faster = 200% as fast (twice as fast.)

Is 50% faster twice as fast?

What I meant to say in my parent comment is not the use of "faster" vs "as fast" in English, but that usually in those benchmarks "Nx" means N times the speed of the baseline. In English, "50% faster" is unambiguously "1.5x as fast". No one would ever interpret it as meaning that B is faster.

How do you calculate 200% fast?

Percentage is nothing but a number: 100%=1. So, 200%=2⋅100%=2. Saying that something is 200% faster is same as saying it is 2 times faster, which essentially translates to your battery being charged in half the time.

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